Public portals winners of the CITY'SCAPE AWARD
10 July, 2023 by
Public portals winners of the CITY'SCAPE AWARD

The GREEN CITY module of GreenSpaces, which sees the development of public portals in several cities in Europe, is once again in the spotlight!

On Friday, the GREEN CITY module was awarded at the CITY'SCAPE AWARD 2023, competing in category F 'DIGITAL LANDSCAPE: Technology for the Landscape Experience'.

On hot summer afternoons when seeking shelter in the shade of the large canopy of ash and horse chestnut trees in our neighbourhood urban park, we can access our city's public portal directly from our smartphone, to find out about the state of the green spaces and the environmental and economic services that the plants provide us at any given time. A futuristic idea? Absolutely not! GREEN CITY is one of the first portals of its kind: it not only shows species and characteristics of trees and shrubs, but also the benefits they provide for citizens and the environment. From the map you can select the park where you are and click on the specific tree that is shading us. In this way we can find out how much CO2 the plant absorbs today, how much particulate matter it filters out of the air, how much it helps to cool the environment.

Increasingly, cities are requesting services of this kind to make their green management more transparent, safe and sustainable, and at the same time keep their citizens interested in what is everyone's heritage: public green.

The CITY'SCAPE AWARD 2023 was organised by PAYSAGE Promozione e Sviluppo per l'Architettura del Paesaggio with the international magazine TOPSCAPE, in collaboration with CNAPPC - Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori and the Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Milano.

A great honour for us to receive this recognition!

Read the press release (IT).

July 10, 2023
Due to Public Holiday in Italy R3GIS is closed today.